How this cool new gadget in this year's NDP funpack with make performances extra special

Constance Goh
The New Paper
Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016

The year's National Day Parade funpack features new technology that will - literally - make the audience part of the show.

Each funpack - a cute plastic backpack in red or white - has a special wristband with an LED light.

According to organisers, it has been programmed to synchronise with the lights and music at this year's parade.

It will be able to emit lights of 16 different colours in four intensities - pulse, fade, solid and strobe.

Military Expert 6 Benny Yong, NDP 2016's Chairman of Logistics and Finance, said they wanted to give spectators an immersive experience even as they watch the show and to help them to feel directly connected to the show.

"When wearing the LED wristband, every spectator becomes an integral part of the show, contributing a pixel to the visual displays," the 39-year-old explained.

"All the audience needs to do is to sway their hands and give their best moves."

Holding up an LED wristband, he added: "I'm just holding one of the wristbands but when everyone in the stadium is holding it, the experience will speak for itself."

And in the futuristic spirit of the parade's theme, "Building our Singapore of Tomorrow", the funpack's souvenir booklet also has added digital content.


To view this, just download the NDPeeps app and scan the contents in the booklet.

Additional embedded content will appear, such as a 3D time-lapse video of how the National Stadium has changed over the years.

ME6 Yong said: "While in the comfort of the stadium and you have plenty of time to run over the pages, there will be interesting snippets and facts behind the thinking of the show."

Other items in the funpack include the more traditional snacks, drinks, a foldable fan, a Singapore scarf and a flag.

The waterproof and lightweight funpack, which weighs 320g and stands at 23cm by 33cm by 18cm, will also be placed at the spectator seats this year instead of at collection points to smoothen the entry process, said organisers.

Also in the funpack this year is a special card in which Singaporeans can write their pledges and share their commitment to the country.

The cards feature designs and drawings by former TV actor Edmund Chen and special needs students from Pathlight School.

The students were asked to envision a Singapore of the future.

Gregory Lee, 12, created a drawing of an extraordinary HDB block with hovercraft parked above it and lifts that would take passengers to their vehicles.


But it was 13-year-old student Jonathan Cai's futuristic shopping mall that eventually made it to print on the pledge card.

He said that he would like the audience to interpret the work in their own way.

The boys are most keen on the upcoming NDP show.

On the prospect of watching it live, Gregory said: "I feel quite excited."

Mr Chen praised the children from Pathlight School for their creativity and positive energy.

He said that he was meant to mentor their drawings, but he also learnt from them.

"If we live life to the fullest, together, we can look forward to a better tomorrow."



This article was first published on June 8, 2016. 
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