Woman gets PAssion Card back: She did not know it was lost till she saw Stomp report

A commuter who found a woman's PAssion Card managed to return it to its rightful owner with the help of Stomp.

Stomper Andi who has a Facebook group Lost + Found @ ConnexTaxi, said he also posted on his group, but found that it did not have enough reach as he has about 4,000 members.

He decided to enlist the help of Stomp's extensive reach, and appealed through Stomp's Lost and Found

Karen, who reads Stomp, did not even realise her card was missing till she saw the article. 

Read also: Does this PAssion card belong to you?

Andi recounted that he saw Karen drop it and then alight the bus, and that he was too late in reaching out to her.

The duo met up at Stomp's office to return the card earlier today (Sep 5).

"I thought she looked like she was playing Pokemon Go," he laughed. She later said she was not.

"Thank you," Karen said to Andi as they both shook hands. The grateful woman also bought a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates to thank the man for returning her card.