4 ways to score a second date

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Well done: you’ve gone past the trials and tribulations of Date Numero Uno. Did you try to present the best side of yourself — laughed at the appropriate times, tried not to wince at your date’s jarring voice, dabbed on too much makeup? Did you bite your tongue at the embarrassing things he or she said or did or did you not even notice them at all?

Did you try to do all of this in the hopes of getting that next date? If you did, you need a reality check.

It is a simple equation: authenticity gets you through. There is no perfect first date where Prince Charming sweeps you off your feet with a bouquet of roses. In fact, you will meet someone who is flawed, no matter how hard they try to cover it. Honesty really is the best policy, even on a first date where the mission is to impress.

Here are four ways to secure that next date while avoiding the disappointment that may come later when you realise the other party is not the flawless being you thought he or she was.
