Lorry driver goes against traffic at Yishun T-junction -- then another does the same moments later

Not one but two lorry drivers were caught on camera going against the flow of traffic near a T-junction in Yishun.

Stomper Tan alerted Stomp the video of what happened that was posted on Fabrications About The PAP.

According to the video's timestamp and caption, the incident took place at 1 Yishun Industrial Street 1 on Aug 16 at 7.41am.

In the video, the driver who recorded what happened can first be seen travelling towards the T-Junction.

As he or she was approaching, a lorry driver can be seen making a left turn against the flow of traffic into the lane the former was on.

Moments later, another lorry driver also did the same, going against traffic behind the first lorry after making a right turn.

The driver who captured the video had to stop the vehicle to allow both lorries to pass. 

Some netizens have commented that the lorry drivers went against traffic to save time. 

There was a line of vehicles on the lane that they were supposed to be using.

By driving against traffic, they were able to cut right in front of the line, albeit illegally.