Thank you, Tampines NTUC staff, for returning my iPad left in trolley!

Stomper Billy is grateful to the staff members of supermarket chain NTUC Fairprice for returning his iPad he had accidentally left behind. 

The Stomper wrote in to commend the people who helped him after he lost his device at Tampines Mall's NTUC outlet on Friday (Jul 22).

He recounted:

"After shopping, I was unloading my purchase only to realise I had left my iPad in the trolley.  

"Thank you Ah Hua who found it while collecting the trolley.

"He promptly returned it to the store manager.

"Because of Ah Hua's alertness and honesty I was able to retrieve my iPad.

"Thank you to the store manager too for tracking down Ah Hua so I could thank him personally. Also, thanks to the supervisor who kept it in safe hands. 

"Thank you NTUC."