Stomper impressed by how manager handled system breakdown at Shaw Theatres Nex

Stomper Olivia was impressed with the excellent service at Shaw Theatres at Nex on Tuesday (June 21).

She recounted:

"I went to catch The Conjuring at 8.20pm. Around 7 plus, there was a breakdown in the system and all bookings were unable to be processed.

"In the midst of all the chaos and stress, the manager on duty, Dinesh, handled it efficiently.

"I was one of those affected and was unable to purchase tickets. The queue stretched until the entrance.

"He kept a calm front and quickly gave out instructions as his staff were unable to proceed with taking bookings.

"He even assisted his staff with handling the counters and clearing the queue as soon as possible.

"The queues were progressing despite the breakdown.

"Kudos to Shaw for their well-trained staff and the manager for his efficiency and quick thinking!"