Man arrested for allegedly stealing from Grab car says he's remorseful over wrongdoing

The family of a 27-year-old man who was arrested on Thursday (Aug 3) for allegedly stealing about S$450 from a Grab car on July 23, confirmed that their sibling was in police custody. 

The incident was previously reported on Aug 3 after Stomp was alerted to a viral video, which showed the suspect reaching out to take something from the centre console of the Grab car while the driver was preoccupied. 

In a phone interview with Stomp, Stomper Marini, the sister of the suspect, said that her brother was ‘remorseful’ over the incident.

She revealed that she and four other siblings, along with their spouses, had confronted the suspect after finding out about the viral video. 

Said Marini:

“The video was all over news.

“The five of us (Marini and four other siblings), with the in-laws, confronted him and he admitted his mistake.

“It’s not easy confronting your own sibling, but he did wrong, and he should face the consequences of his wrongdoing.

“We know what he did was wrong, and felt sorry for the victim.”

In an official statement, the police said it received a report regarding the case on July 23 and arrested the suspect on Aug 3. 

Officers from the Jurong Police Division established the identity of the suspect through extensive enquiries and CCTV images.

Police investigations are ongoing and if convicted of theft, the accused faces a jail term of up to three years, a fine, or both. 
