Cute poster at Bukit Panjang bus stop appeals for return of Lenovo laptop

A man lost his white Lilo and Stitch tote bag containing a black Lenovo laptop in Bukit Panjang on Dec 21.

A cute poster was put up at a bus stop near Block 183 Bukit Panjang Road appealing for help to find the bag, which also contains a thumb drive, charger and white t-shirt.

Facebook user Fiona Phua posted a picture of the adorable poster on Dec 27.

The drawing shows a little girl who is upset and dreaming of her crying laptop.

The poster also read: "There will be a reward for the complete return of all contents."

Stomp reached out to Edwin, the owner of the laptop, who said that there were more adorable posters put up at bus stops and void decks in the Bukit Panjang area.

He told Stomp: "I lost my laptop at about 11am to 12.30pm.

"I left it somewhere, but I'm not sure if I left it at a bus stop or at a void deck.

"My girlfriend is the one who helped me design the posters and put them up.

"The cute drawings are all from her."

He said that Fiona probably saw it at one of the bus stops they had put up a poster at and helped them spread the message by posting it on Facebook.

He told Stomp: "I also received a call from someone who said they had seen my laptop at the void deck of Block 409 Saujana Road.

"He saw it but did not take it.

"When I went to the void deck to retrieve it, it was already gone.

"I would appreciate any help given to me to help me find my laptop."

If you have found Edwin's Lenovo laptop, kindly contact us at or WhatsApp (+65) 9384 3761.