Top ITE student highlights importance of learning outside the classroom

This article was contributed by the Institute of Technical Education (ITE).

Han Xin Ying, Constance
Higher Nitec in Chemical Technology @ ITE College East
Recipient of Lee Kuan Yew Model Student Award 2022

More Than a Lab Rat

In Secondary Four, Constance was inspired to do well in Chemistry by a teacher who made the subject easy to comprehend. Since then, she endeavoured to further her studies in science and a natural choice after ‘N’ levels was Higher Nitec in Chemical Technology in ITE. 

The course led her to an internship with Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (SIFBI). Constance remembers the 20-week internship fondly as it opened her eyes to real work in the laboratory. Her job was to render operation support in areas concerning chemicals, safety, consumables and equipment. She picked up laboratory techniques and quality control skills, and even assisted researchers in operating a machine to test for pesticides on apples. Her stint in SIFBI fuelled her interest in investigative work. 

Constance’s inquisitive nature shines through beyond academics. She explored ways to overcome the challenges of organising an online camp on sustainability for youth in Sarawak and the first virtual Student Council Student Investiture. Constance’s positive attitude towards studies and life sets her apart as an excellent role model for her peers.  

From the Heart

“One must do well in other aspects besides studies. Step out of your comfort zone. Don’t attend CCAs just for the sake of earning CCA points. You will learn something if you have a purpose. You will gain the most valuable thing – an experience. Nobody can ever take your experience away. Every experience builds character and you’ll come out stronger and wiser.” 

Life after ITE 

  • Constance is studying a Diploma in Applied Chemistry in Singapore Polytechnic. 

  • Her career goal is to work in Central Narcotics Bureau’s testing laboratory or join the Health Science Authority as a forensic specialist. 

Top Achievements 

  • Constance was on her College Director's List in 2020 and 2021. She graduated with a perfect GPA of 4.0.

  • She is a recipient of Edusave Award for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service (EAGLES) 2021 and Edusave Character Award 2021.

  • In recognition of her active contributions to community, she received the ITE Community Scholarship (2020 & 2021) and ITE College East’s Service Star Gold Award 2021.

  • She is a responsible student deserving of leadership roles, such as Class Representative and the Chairman of CCA and Enrichment in Student Council.

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