Pieces of flesh left dangling at woman's calf after dislodged escalator metal plate cuts her in Malaysian shopping mall

A Malaysian woman suffered a serious cut on her calf yesterday (Mar 5) ,after a metal plate on an escalator became dislodged while she was riding on it. 

Facebook user Andrine Yoon posted up photos of the incident, citing that it happened in Sunway Pyramid, a shopping mall in Selangor, Malaysia, reports World of Buzz

According to the post, the victim was cut when a piece of metal plate allegedly came loose.

From the photos, the cut seemed to be quite deep and the victim was bleeding profusely, and bits of flesh could be seen dangling from her calf. 

 Photos posted up by another Facebook user, Stanley Lai, also showed other shoppers who helped the victim as staff from the shopping mall rushed over with a stretcher.

Netizens were horrified by the incident, citing that safety lapses seemed to be falling while escalator-related incidents on the rise. 

Staff from the mall has acknowledged that there was an accident on one of its escalators and posted an official statement on their Facebook page, explaining that the case is currently under investigation and will keep shoppers updated about the findings.

Sunway Pyramid’s staff acknowledged that there was an accident that happened on the escalator, and posted an official statement on their Facebook page confirming the incident.

They explained that they are investigating the issue and will keep shoppers updated once they have any findings.