Car salesgirl gets looked down upon, hit on by men -- but leaves them screaming with her driving skills

A pretty car salesgirl gets appreciated for her looks but not anything else as gentlemen start their engines but Leona Chin proved her clients wrong after taking them for a test drive, proving she is more than just a delicate doll.

Leona Chin who is a professional race car driver, drifter and stunt artist disguised herself as a salesgirl and men started to tell her how she is wrong about cars in a video. 

One man even flirted with her and informed her that his girlfriend is not here so "it's okay".

All the men got the shock of their lives when the Malaysian professional motorsports athlete took them out for a spin. 

The video posted on Facebook by JD's Fans from Raincorp has garnered than eight million views

Watch the video below.