Chinese teen breaks both legs after falling off 4th storey, asks to play game upon waking in hospital

A 13-year-old Chinese boy fell off the 4th storey of an apartment after an argument with his father over the boy’s obsession with video games, and broke both his legs.

After he was conveyed to a hospital for treatment, he regained conscious, and immediately asked to play his video game, reports World of Buzz.

The boy, Zhang, is reportedly a severe game addict from Hangzhou, China. 

His father had returned home at 3pm on the day of the incident to find his son playing the game ‘King of Glory’, having done nothing at all.  

Said the father:

“When I returned home at 6pm after work, I found him still on his phone, playing.

“He didn’t revise anything at all although he had an exam the next day."

He reprimanded the teen and during their argument. the boy fell from the apartment, breaking both his legs.

He was rushed to a hospital where doctors estimated that he would warded for at least three months.

Upon waking up, however, Zhang immediately asked to log on to his ‘King of Glory’ account, angering his father. 

The grieving dad knew that his son was fond of the game but did not realise the full extent of his addiction. 

It seems gaming addiction can be just as terrifying as any other form of addiction.