Honda driver hits biker after beating red light along Eu Tong Sen Street

A Honda driver beat a red light along Eu Tong Sen Street and hit a motorcyclist.

According to a time stamp on a video of the incident that was posted on Beh Chia Lor - Singapore Road, the incident took place on June 17 at around 6.30pm.

In the video, the driver who recorded what happened can be first seen approaching a traffic junction as the lights were turning red. He or she then stopped the vehicle accordingly.

A Honda driver on the right however, kept going straight and hit a biker who had the right of way.

The impact sent the motorcycle against the direction of traffic.

The Honda driver alighted the his car to check on the biker thereafter.

Thankfully, the latter did not seem to be seriously hurt, and rode away from the accident scene at the end of the video.