She started lifting weights at 15 and you won't believe how she looks like now

Most teenagers join the gym mainly for the reason of taking gym selfies and keeping fit. However, when 15 year-old Julia Vins started going to her local gym, nobody expected that it actually marked the start of her journey as a powerlifter. 

According to Viralthread, Russian-born Julia is now merely 20 years old but she has been winning powerlifting championships worldwide thanks to her never-ending training and her strict diet, which includes protein shakes and lean chicken. 

She calls herself the 'muscle Barbie' for her porcelain skin and doll-like eyes. But, at the same time, she has the abilitiy to lift two Arnold Schwarzeneggers.

She explained, “I have these big, beautiful eyes and wear make-up. But at the same time, I’m strong. People either respect my work or reprimand me for being a muscly girl. But to be honest, I’ve noticed that the guys who are negative about my athleticism – are just jealous.” 

“Because of my facial features, people have always said I look like a doll. And I was a good, academic girl for so many years. I studied music, was well-read, participated in various school competitions and was skilled at art. But I never felt like I had any particular objective in life. My body was not in harmony with my soul – it wasn’t the right one for me.” 

Julia started going to the gym at the age of 15 to build her confidence. A year later, she met a coach who saw her potential to grow as a powerlifter. Now, she trains four times a week, three to five hours each time and eats five or six small meals of chicken, eggs, cheese, rice and vegetables everyday. 

Finally, in 2014, Julia's hard work paid off. She won the world powerlifting championships in Moscow, breaking three world records by lifting 180kg in the squat, 105kg in bench press and 165kg in the deadlift. 

She also has inspired many through her Instagram account with more than 200,000 followers . 

When asked why she dresses up during training, she explained, "I always wear make-up, even when I’m squatting. I think it’s important to look attractive in any situation. I make sure my hair is done up in cute plaits and ribbons. I like fashion too but it’s very difficult to find nice clothes as my size is not standard.”

She added, “For me, there is no limit. I want to become as muscly as possible. Many people have tried to knock me down but my training has made me strong – both physically and mentally. I’m no ordinary doll. I hope everyone finds their true calling in life like I did. I don’t like to think of what I would have become if I wasn’t muscle Barbie.”